There's no better method to straighten your teeth than using Invisalign, available from Bristol Dental Associates. A visually appealing alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign is a series of see-through, removable, plastic aligners that are custom molded to fit the shape of your teeth.
With Invisalign, the brackets are translucent, so they blend in with your natural tooth color. This means that unlike traditional stainless steel braces, with ceramic braces your smile will not look metallic.
Invisalign is the easiest and least stressful way to straighten teeth. It uses clear aligner orthodontic trays to straighten teeth without wires. Invisalign is a unique alternative to traditional braces. It allows teeth straightening to occur in a shorter time frame and without the pain and hassle associated with the metal brackets and wires on traditional braces. You will enjoy the benefit of being able to remove the aligners to eat, eliminating food restrictions.
For Invisalign, you will need to visit us every 6 to 8 weeks to check your progress. Often, your treatment will be complete in less than a year. Call 860-589-3529 to see if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign.